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The ICSMA conference series is very important for the mechanics of materials scientific community. As it is organized only in three-year intervals, if a colleague is not present at an ICSMA conference, he will perhaps not see the colleagues for six years… The last time France was hosting an ICSMA conference was in 1976, in Nancy, 42 years ago; ICSMA 4. 14 ICSMA conferences were organized since then. Taking into account that the mechanics of materials community in France was always very significant, both in number and in contribution, we think that it is reasonable to ask for the organization of the next ICSMA in France. As one can see from the history of ICSMA conferences, since 1994, ICSMA is organized alternatively between Europe and another Continent. Having the actual ICSMA conference in the USA, the next one should be organized in Europe.

Metz is a special place in terms of mechanics of materials research. An enthusiastic research team established an eminent mechanics laboratory in Metz University (the “LPMM” laboratory) in 1982, led successively by well-known mechanics experts (Alain Molinari, Marcel Berveiller, Claude Fressengeas, Michel Potier-Ferry…). The LPMM laboratory was merged with the materials laboratory of the Metz University (the “LETAM” laboratory) in 2010 into the LEM3 laboratory, by Laszlo Toth who is working both in mechanics and in materials sciences. The research is further strengthened by the Laboratory of Excellence ‘DAMAS’, established by Laszlo Toth in 2012, which is strongly supporting the mechanics of materials research. More recently, the research force of the LEM3 laboratory was increased by including the Mechanics Laboratory from the ENIM Engineering School, and leading mechanics experts from the LEMTA laboratory of the ENSEM engineering school in Nancy. In this way research in the fields of biomechanics and polymers are also present in the LEM3 laboratory.

The mechanics of materials research is also present in Nancy, mostly in the Jean Lamour Institute (IJL). Several metallurgy experts are doing fundamental research in mechanics of materials: internal stresses and microstructures, relations between microstructures and mechanical behavior, mechanisms of deformations… Other topics, like synchrotron based metallurgy, ab-initio calculations, nanoscience, etc. are also excelling in IJL. The IJL and the LEM3 are the funding laboratories of the Labex DAMAS.

The conditions for conference organization in Metz are very good. This has been proven in 2014 by the NanoSPD6 conference (450 participants) which was organized in Metz, and obtained very high appreciations. The conditions will be even better for 2022: a new conference center is built next to the train station, practically in the center of the city, which can host the next ICSMA conference (see below). 39 hotels are available in the vicinity, with the city center being only in walking distance, there are 260 restaurants in the city. Gastronomical French food will be served during the conference, which will be included in the participation fee. Note that French Cuisine is now world cultural heritage of UNESCO. Students accommodations will be available for the period of the conference, at rate of about 350 €, for a whole week.

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